SwingCityBoston Survey Office

Thanks for your input! Your answers are completely anonymous and please add comments in the text boxes. The more you tell us, the better we can make events for everyone.

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Welcome! Have you been to the new Swing City yet?
No, not yet
No, not planning to
Yes, On the Re-Opening Night
Yes, On a preview night
Yes, twice
Yes, more than twice
How did you travel to Swing City?
Subway and walked
Subway and cab
Subway and bus
If you have joined us, where do you live?
In Somerville
Near Somerville (e.g. Cambridge, Arlington)
Inside Rt. 128
South Shore
North of 128
West of 128
Rhode Island
New Hampshire/Maine
New England/NY
Did you have trouble getting to Swing City?
No. Got there okay.
Got lost, but now I know.
Had trouble getting transportation.
My GPS got me there, but it was confusing.
I used the directions on the website successfully
Did you come with others?
By myself
With a date
With a group
Brought my students
What "level" dancer are you?
New/first time
Dance 2-4 times/month
Dance more than 4 times/month
Semi-retired from dancing
Did you used to come to Swing City at the older locations?
Yes, Mostly Bishop Mackenzie
Yes, Mostly Huron Ave.
Yes, both
How did you like the place? Dance floor:
Liked it
Liked it but some issues (please comment)
Disliked it (please comment)
People have commented that the floor was "sticky". We are working on that but how did it affect you?
Didn't notice
Didn't care
It affected my dancing.
I won't come back until I hear it's resolved.
How did you like the lighting?
It was nice
Too dark
Too bright
Too colorful
Not colorful enough
Prefier more moving lights
How about the bar?
Prefer free tap water only.
I buy only bottled water
I buy a drink or two
Drinking is essential
Don't care
How much do you spend at the bar?
zero, can't afford
zero, don't need anything
I'm buying rounds
Given that the host venue often depends on the patrons buying products at the bar in addition to the rent the event pays, what do you feel is a fair expectation?
There should be no expectation, I pay enough cover.
I should spend <$5
I should spend about $5
I should spend $5-$10
I should spend $10 or more
How was the ventilation/AC?
It needs work
How was the sound?
Too loud
Just right
Too soft
Did you like the hall in general?
Yes, best yet
Yes, it's okay
It needs work
Lessons: a hot topic. Did you take the lesson?
Yes, learned something
Yes, was helping others
No, too beginner-level
No, didn't feel comfortable
No, came after but would have
No, came after just to dance.
If you took the lesson, what were your thoughts?
Too easy
Just right
Too hard
If you took the lesson, did you find it entertaining?
YEs, was fun and exciting
It was "okay".
The instructors were not vey exciting.
Will you be coming back? (Please comment)
Yes, regularly
Yes, occasionally
Not planning to.
How did you hear about Swing City?
Swing City email list
I'm a regular
The Globe
Swing City Website
Somerville Journal
An online event guide or other email list
Word of mouth
Swing dance instructor
Other (please comment)
More than two of the above
Overal rating:
5 stars
4 stars
3 stars
2 stars
1 star
no stars

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