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Friday, May 9: Bombay Jim and the Swinging Sapphires

Thanks to all that made it to our official "Grand Reopening"! Indeed, a great time was had, with nearly 250 in the house. Swing City is finally back in "full swing!"

Come join the party this week as we host "Bombay Jim and the Swinging Sapphires", plus lessons and DJ'ing by Tony and Aurelie of Hop To the Beat. Join us for another hopping night of dancing, socializing, music, and drinks.


  1. It looks like a cooler rainy night tonight, perfect for dancing the night away and we're expecting another great crowd this week! But... PLEASE check your coats. Having 200-300 semi-soggy coats in a jumble just isn't going to make the Swing City Ballroom very pleasant! Also, tidiness aside, we ask that you do this in general for fire safety and security reasons. It's only $1 for a hanger and feel free to double up. Coat check is on the right before the reg. table.
  2. We hope to have the bar stocked with some more variety this week, including Snapple, Red Bull, some premium beer, etc. There is also a straw poll on the home page about what we should provide, so if you have a second, please surf over and cast your vote.
  3. We also have our more extensive patron satisfaction survey--please chime in on that as well . Take our survey »
  4. Speaking of feedback, we've gotten lots of thumbs up so far, with one question mark concerning the floor being sticky. This week we will make sure it's thoroughly clean, but also it may simply need to be "danced off" since it was refinished sometime in the last year and doesn't see that much heavy use. Please bear with us.

Some new stuff:
    Earn some bucks: Instructor Field Trip Program »

Appeal to our Patrons: Please support the bar! As Swing dancers we all know we're not a "drinking crowd", but the host venue really does depend on beverage sales to keep the rent affordable. We are privileged to have this nice hall, so if you have the means, please try to patronize the bar with a modest amount of about $5 in food & beverage purchases. The hall is run by volunteers and 100% of the bar's profit goes to support the church's expenses in having us there.

Lesson Details: The beginner lesson starts at "7:30ish", and the last 15 min. or so will feature an advanced move.

More Highlights:

  • Doors open at 7:30, dancing until 1am
  • FULL BAR (valid 21+ ID to drink)
  • Free parking
  • Great dance floor, fabulous sound, and superb ambiance in the "Swing City Ballroom"

What people are saying:
"It was one of the best swing dances I have attended in well over a year (and I dance several times a week)."

"Nice people all w/good intentions. From the person at door to anyone I would ask questions; all have positive,upbeat(no pun intended) attitudes. And this love of Swing Dancing is obvious by all assistance kindly offered and rendered. Five Stars."

Highlights of What's Coming
to Swing City this Summer!

New England's best bands:

Coming up:
May 9: Bombay Jim & the Swinging Saphires
May 16: The Love Dogs
    full schedule »

Our Fantastic Instructors and DJ's:

"Slick" Mike (It's All Swing)
Todd & Beth (ZazouSwing)
Tony & Aurelie (Hop To the Beat)

Taxi Dancers return! New dancer or coming solo? Dance with them! (Interested in becoming one? Drop me a line.)

West Coast Room! Coming in late May, twice/month. Stay tuned for details.


Getting there:
Please give yourself some extra time to get to the venue. While it's actually pretty easy to get there, it's not super obvious if you're new to the area.

      My simple directions »

Look for the Dunkin Donuts on the corner of Somerville Ave. and Central, and the ice rink across the street from Central. We will also park our van with the Swing City banner on it at the corner.

See you on the dance floor!
The new "Swing City Guy"

Swing City
Located at:
Dormition Greek Orthodox Church
29 Central St., Somerville, MA 02134
(off of Somerville Ave. between Porter and Union Square directions »)

  • 3400sf dance floor
  • night club ambiance (no more gym!)
  • performance stage, lounge, coat check, etc (this place was waiting for us!)
  • bar & snacks (full bar)
  • 152 car parking
  • all ages admitted
  • fully air conditioned
  • walkable from Porter Square MBTA (0.7 mi) or short cab ride (we are looking into a shuttle)

More detailed notes (in no particular order):

  • There are two parking lots which are free for attendees. There is a huge lot (~120 cars) adacent to the hall, and the "lower lot" as you come up the street (36 cars). Additionally, there is some street parking.
  • By MBTA, take the Red Line to Porter, and hop a cab or walk (0.7mi: 10-12min) down Somerville Ave to Central St, and make a left up the hill. Or, Bus #83 runs from Central Square to Alewife via Porter. Bus #85 and #90 also service the immediate area.
  • If there is demand, we are considering a shuttle van for a couple bucks.

If you have any preferences or suggestions, please post them on the Swing City discussion board, which is--I’m glad to say--very active! We'd really like to have your opinions.

Live bands every Friday Night!
29 Central St., Somerville
(off Somerville Ave btw.
Porter and Union Square)

Free Lesson: 7:30-8:45
Dancing: 8:45-1am
All ages welcome
$15 ($10 w/ student ID)

Website Updates

Swing City Field Trips
Swing Instructors, earn a little extra on the side.

click »

Photos from last week »
Latest Discussion Board Posts »


Taxi Dancers are back!

Until 10:30 we have friendly volunteers to dance with everyone and anyone, so if you don't have a partner or are new, "Catch a Cab"! more »

If you'd like to apply to be one of our taxi dancers, send us a note ».


Print a Swing City Poster for the office, gym, or coffeehouse!
Click (pdf 536k) »